The Office Bar

Project Goal: Bring The Office into the present with a mobile responsive website. Project must be mobile first (over 70% of traffic is coming from mobile!) which means quick load times and page layout must adjust depending on size of browser window.
About the company: The Office Bar is a cocktail lounge in the heart of North Park that is open every day from 4pm - 2am. They feature a daily happy hour from 4-9 with entertainment starting at 9. Grab a martini or Manhattan and see where the night takes you.
The Process: This site was built for speed on GatsbyJS. The content is hosted on Contentful CMS and is statically generated each time changes are made on the CMS. The owner of the site also wanted to promote current events and didn't want to have to update content in a million different places on a daily basis. A work around was to put the Instagram posts that get generated every day as daily event cards that could be featured on the site. This process of having the site re-built daily also enhances the SEO rankings to pump up the search results found on Google. All traffic is monitored via Google Analytics to track users activities.

Lighthouse, an audit tool that is a built-in feature in the Google Chrome developer tools, gives this website an excellent review. On a 0 - 100 rating, this site tips the scales.