American Profit Consulting

Project Goal: Update the online presence for American Profit Consulting. Project must be mobile first and designed using current UI/UX trends and themes. Site should load quickly. Look good on mobile, desktop and tablet. Have a focus on SEO.
About the company: American Profit Consulting is a broker who consults with clients to obtain a variety of services, including: small business loans, bookkeeping and accounting, commercial insurance, and credit card processing.
The Process: This site was built using my current 'go-to' process featuring the JAM-stack. GatsbyJS, a static-site generator built on React, gives the project the speed it needs to be mobile first with ridiculously snappy page loads. React, a familiar javascript framework gives the developer the ability to connect to a third party API and build components based on the data that is returned. Parts of the website were created with the ability to be flexible so the owner of the site can login and be able to change the text content as desired which was accomplished using Contentful CMS.
Performance Results:

Google Chrome has a 'developers' tab that can be opened on any website. Right click > inspect > navigate to 'audit' > run the 'lighthouse' test. This tool will check the overall ranking of site on a 0 - 100 scale on a few key components: performance (speed), accessibility (works well for visually impaired), best practices (follows the rules of the web), and SEO (being able to be found in search results). This audit for American Profit Consulting has a near flawless rating all across the board.
Next Up - Podcast episodes to be recorded and put online soon!